Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's my party and I'll cry if I want too!

Okay, it's not really Jenna's party today, although she does think it's her birthday fairly often, but I digress. Here is a little glimpse into what a tantrum of a 2.5 year old consists of. A lot of my blog readers say how great of a kid she seems to be, she generally is, but nobody can be perfect all the time!

Keep in mind this all started when I took away my expensive Canon Rebel camera from her. The pictures she took are for another post soon.


That Girl said...

I think its hilarious that you took these pics. I never thought to do that.
I'm behind on comments but Im glad to see you are home and everyone made it through ok.

That Girl said...

I tagged you on my blog!

Jen said...

Those pic's are too funny!! Although I'm sure you didn't think so as she was throwing her little fit.

Whitney said...

These make me laugh. She looks like you've just cancelled Christmas and Birthdays for the rest of her life!!!

Tanielle said...

She is just really stinkin' cute!!!

Jen said...

I just wanted to tell you that there is a little something for you over at my blog