Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear Grant (15 months),

Dear Grant,

You are 15 months old now...Still hard to believe you aren't my little baby anymore.  You are a hyper, talkative, adventurous little boy.  You can always be found throwing something, eating, reading, pushing something, running around, or falling down.  You are a tough little guy and rarely cry when you fall.  Half the time I have to bite my tongue and not gasp when you fall, since I know you'll probably be right back up on your feet. 

You are the reason for so many of my smiles and I love watching you learn and grow more every day.  You're babbling like crazy but have some real words in there too:
Ocie (Outside)
Enna (Jenna)
All done

You have the shake your head movements down for NO and YES and the sign language for MORE.

Everyone told us you and Jenna would probably be total opposites, but so far you both have happy, bubbly, cuddly personalities.  Besides the fact you are all boy and love balls, throwing things, and wrestling you also have a strong love for shoes. 

Happy 15 months Grant!  You are such a joy in our lives and we are so lucky to be your parents!

Love always,


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