Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jenna's Cheer

Enjoy! This is her new cheer!

Monday, September 20, 2010


These are the shoes that my fashion forward Jenna HAD. TO. HAVE.

Jenna: Mom, I want Skechers like Meghan and Olivia!

Me: We will see, you do need new shoes.

Jenna: Can we get them tonight?

Me: We'll see...

Jenna: (in her most dramatic whine) Meghan....Where did you get your Skechers???

We found the Twinkle Toe's Skechers at Kohls and Jenna was so excited. How does she even know the brand name? I am in big trouble if she's requesting brand names at 3 years old.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm sleeping...just kidding, I'm awake!

Getting ready to leave for his firsy day at daycare!

Well, yesterday I started back to work part time. I will do two weeks of part time (only two days a week) and then start full time on September 13.

I will elaborate more in a different post, but Grant is just not a sleeper. We were spoiled with Jenna, who was practically sleeping through the night by the time I went back to work.

So, yesterday was his first day in the infant room at daycare. I tried to warn the teachers, without scaring them, that Grant isnt' a big sleeper, he spits up a ton, and is fussy. I bet they were excited right?! They said, "Don't worry, he'll be fine." I said back, "I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about you!"

So, I called a couple times during the day and they would find something positive to say to me, like, "He's eating good." They even texted me a picture of him, which was so appreciated. When I got there to pick him up this is what his sheet says about his sleep times:

9:10 - 9:15

10:25 - 10:35

11:00 - 11:10

12:55 - 1:15

1:40 - 1:50

I just started laughing, he had to be EXHAUSTED and overstimulated. Less than an hour of sleep the WHOLE day! The kid does not sleep good at all unless he is held, and they just can't hold him all day. They also have to follow all the State rules, so no tummy sleeping, no blankets, not even a sleep positioner. So, I fear it will take quite a long time for Grant to sleep better at daycare and at home.